Hello again, if on the off chance you like this cynical blog of sour thoughts and music noughts then please recommend it to either friends or aquaintances etc. I was just thinking today about the X-Factor...
Now, this isnt a gripe or a whine, but I wanted to say something about it. My view on it is that people do not watch it because they actually enjoy the crap singing on it it is because it provides them with entertainment, now I do in fact watch it, judging by my previous blogs you are probably thinking "Why does someone so sour and cynical watch something so mainstream as the X-Factor?" Well, its probably more of a dull bemusement. However I watch it to make callous remarks on Tulisas accent and musical musings. "Cos' I is a musical genius yah?" Also because I have nothing better to do on a saturday night... But I hate the way Dermot brainw- a wonderful presenter with incredible stage presence... The main reason is because it provides me with ammunition when I send my long-winded slightly offensive e-mails to Radio 1.
One last thing, you would think that since the X-Factor corporate machine is rolling in so much dough, they could afford some fake microphones for when the "acts" are performing, I have seen everything, water bottles, deodrant cans, hair curlers, I once saw one of those pointless massive pencils you can get from the duty-free at Dublin Airport......